october 2019

Learning expedition in Saint-Denis

The program brought together Californian and French urban planners, urban communities, cities, artists and cultural institutions, social entrepreneurs, fondations, urban agencies and universities.

The Californian delegation: Moy Eng, CEO/Community Arts Stabilization Trust, Julie Fry, CEO/California Humanities, William Gilchrist, directeur d’urbanisme/Ville d’Oakland, Shannon Jackson, Vice Chancellor Arts + Design/ UC Berkeley, Robert Ogilvie, Directeur Oakland/SPUR (agence urbaine), Matthew Passmore, artiste et fondateur/studio Morelab et Steven Raspa, directeur associé/Burning Man Project.

The French partners (some of them took part in the learning expedition in Oakland) : Ville de Saint-Denis, Plaine Commune, Société du Grand Paris, Le 6b, Ateliers Médicis, l’agence urbaine APUR, l’atelier d’urbanisme Légendes Urbaines, l’entreprise sociale Baluchon, l’Université Paris 8, la Maison Jaune, la coopération la Main 9-3.0, Mains d’Oeuvres, et la compagnie artistique Kaimera Productions.

The program

Interactions and experience sharing were structured in accordance with the following objectives:

  • Explore the city of Saint-Denis, the stakeholders and challenges: what specificities and similarities with San Francisco Bay Area

  • Describe and measure the impact of artists in the city

  • Promote the transformation of our territories by involving the artists and the inhabitants

  • Find innovative tools to build more inclusive and creative cities : share new models on economic, legislative and social levels.