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December 3, 2020: How Culture Makes the City (Brooklyn Rail)

A conversation organized by Brooklyn Rail featured special guests Juliette Donadieu, cultural attaché of the French Embassy in San Francisco & director of Villa San Francisco, Simón Adinia Hanukai, theatermaker & co-artistic director of Kaimera Productions, Lori Fogarty, director of the Oakland Museum of California, and Juliette Bompoint, cultural producer & director of Mains d’Oeuvres, a nonprofit arts space in Saint-Ouen, a suburb of Paris. They were joined by the Rail’s Malvika Jolly for a conversation on what our different cities can teach us, on reimagining the role of cultural actors in urban development, and why our cities must be built collectively. The conversation was concluded with a poetry reading by Farid Matuk. Watch it here !

Événement antérieur: 12 novembre
November 12, 2020: National Humanities Conference
Événement ultérieur: 15 janvier
January 15, 2021: Two Cities, Two Mayors, One Goal